Dr. Janaka Lewis

Dr. Janaka Lewis
- Ph.D., English, Northwestern University, 2009
- M.A., English, Northwestern University , 2004
- B.A., English and African and African American Studies, Duke University, 2003, magna cum laude
Areas of Interest
My areas of research interest include African American literature of the nineteenth century (specifically narrative studies), and African American women’s writing. I am currently working on articles about black women and mobility as portrayed through literature in the nineteenth century and representations of motherhood in post-emancipation African American literature.
Selected Publications and Presentations
Introduction, SKETCHBOOK 2008 online art exhibit (April 2008)
Entries on “Atlanta, Georgia,” “Leticia Benson,” and “Mae V. Cowdery”; Greenwood Encyclopedia of African American Literature (2005)
The Impact of the Black Church in Augusta, Georgia”; Journal of the Afro-American Historical and Genealogical Society (Spring 2004)
Recent Papers Presented at National/International Conferences:
“Reflections on Freedom: Anna Julia Cooper, Lucy Laney, and Liberation,” South Atlantic Modern Language Association; Louisville, Kentucky; November 2008
“Elizabeth Keckley and Freedom’s Labor,” Hawaii International Conference on Arts and Humanities; Honolulu, HI; January 2008.
“Frederick Douglass: Writing, Revising, and Performing Intellectualism,” American Literature Association Conference; San Francisco, CA; May 2006.
“Engendering John: Modernity and Masculinity in Hurston’s “John Redding Goes to Sea,” College English Association Conference; San Antonio, TX; April 2006.
“Opening the Church Doors: Space, Femininity, and Sexuality in The Amen Corner,” College English Association Conference; Indianapolis, IN; March 2005.
“Revisiting Pecola Breedlove: Adolescence, Trauma, and Respectability in Push and The Bluest Eye,” University of New Orleans “Race, Gender, and Class” Conference; September 2004.
Courses Taught
Early African American Literature
Early African American Literature, Introduction to African American Literature
Professional Appointments
Faculty Appointments:
- University of North Carolina at Charlotte , English Department
- Assistant Professor, 2009-present
- Spelman College, English Department
- Instructor, 2008-2009